Friday 26 February 2016

Home Health Care Services for Aging and Independent Patients Living in Mercer County

Being a senior can be a very challenging phase in life. It often prevents people from doing all the things that they could do easily before. As people grow in age, they emotionally and physically struggle to live on their own. However, home health care agencies in Mercer County can provide aging and ill people (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s) with the support and care they require to live on their own on an everyday basis, enabling them to lead a happy and independent life.

With an increased number of people choosing to use home health care services, it has become a better alternative to long-term care in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The home health care agencies in Mercer County operate with trained health caregivers or aids who can effectively meet the patients’ care needs and support them with their daily activities. Their role varies from housekeeping and cooking daily meals to providing the elderly patients with physical support and medication reminders. Not a single aspect of what a patient or his/her family requires is ignored in the home health care services, rather each patient is assessed for his/her condition and cared according to his or her individual requirements. While some patients may need health caregivers to maintain their houses and offer companionship, others may need them for getting bathed, dressed and fed. These health care aids are properly vetted and supervised to be attentive to every potential requirement their elderly patients might need.

home health care service

The home health care services in Mercer County is a clear choice for care of all those who are suffering from a challenging condition like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  These diseases may become difficult to handle as they start to progress. However, skilled caregivers with prior experience with these diseases are capable to encourage such patients with both emotional and physical support, while enhancing their independence and quality of life. In fact, they work closely with families in Mercer County to help them create a proper relationship with their elderly and sick patients. With them, primary caregivers can stay relaxed and even learn much about these diseases and their progressive phases. So, it’s better to learn about all the home health care agencies in Mercer County who have efficient caregivers to help you succeed in whatever requires to be done to support a loved one with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. It will help you avoid any hassles down the road.

home health care

With the inclusion of the experience to determine the perfect level of care that is required for a loved one identified with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease and a custom tailored care plan for the individual, home health care services in Mercer County can be the best option for making your loved ones lead a healthy, safe and independent life with this challenging disease. If you or your loved one is not ready to send the patient with Parkinson or Alzheimer’s to any assisted living facility or nursing home, CareBridge Home Health Care services in Mercer County can be a great alternative that would be worth considering. Call it at 732-722-7800 to discuss the home health care needs of your older parent or any elderly family member with debilitating diseases today.

For more details, stay social with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Two Major Things You can Do to Manage Dementia Care in the New Jersey Effectively

Caregiving is a tender touch of love and compassion. It is mainly based on sacrifice and selflessness. Couples give up a lot for one another, parents continuously support their children without taking care of their own and when their kids grow into adults with sick and old parents, they just want to give back the care and love they got from these parents. The trained and experienced Alzheimer care agencies can be an excellent option to achieve it without their personal involvement.

If you are devoting much of your time to care for your beloved parent or in-law with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in the New Jersey, you are certainly honest and dedicated. But such kind of dedication can affect your health in the long term.

Senior woman with her caregiver at home

According to a reliable health care survey, primary caregivers involved in dementia or Alzheimer care in the New Jersey or any  other region of the world are more likely to undergo  high levels of stress and burden than professional home caregivers due to the emotional impatience, memory confusion and physical restrictions experienced by the patients. And the pressure on these caregivers may increase, especially when the condition of dementia or Alzheimer patients gets worse, causing them to face various health issues. 

Normally taking precautions to care for your health is more important for the well being of your family and you. Feeling relaxed and refreshed will help you plan out the best dementia care for your loved ones in the New Jersey. It would be possible only when you give up the job of family caregiving and try any better alternative in its place. Below are discussed five things which you can try to tackle dementia and Alzheimer’s care in the New Jersey possibly without your own involvement.

Alzheimer care

1.    Ask for help from other family members or in-home dementia care specialists – If you feel exhausted and overwhelmed while caring for any dementia patient in home, you can ask for assistance from other family members, neighbors or friends who may be ready to take up the charge and give you relief for a few days or weeks. Otherwise you have to seek New Jersey Alzheimer and Dementia care from outside.  Non-medical yet professional live in-home senior care agencies are specialists  in ensuring the fitting caregiver to assist your senior with his or her personality, emotional needs and interests and personality. You can hire them for a few hours every day/week or for 24/7 live-in care. You’ll will get relaxed when you get a break from the regular schedule of caregiving and continue with your own habit or needs knowing that your elder will be cared brilliantly by a perfectly trained and certified Dementia caregiver in the New Jersey.

2.    Check for Alzheimer’s  SCUs (Special care units) in your residential area: Special memory care units or SCUs are set up in different residential areas to serve people suffering from memory problems. Basically, these units are either run by a group of local residents or any larger care agency. They mostly have trained staff with experience in dementia and Alzheimer’s care. You can expect them to tailor an Alzheimer’s care in the New Jersey program to meet the needs of your elders struggling with memory loss and make them practice a few things for increased safety and security.

Alzheimer care

If you need someone to care for your elder family member in the New Jersey like you, contact New Jersey Alzheimer’s and dementia care specialists of CareBridge Home Care. They are all screened and trained to help your elders remain independent and maintain control over day-to-day activities and enjoy self esteem with the best physical and mental health. 

For more details, stay social with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+